Sunday, 13 December 2015

Update: So...I'm back

Well, it's been a while, people of the internet. It's XCrossJ.

So I know I said I'd be coming back in 5 months, but I think I've already gone slightly past that supposed time period. I apologize, but I've been wrestling with RL, etc. etc. etc.

The important thing is, I'm back. (Whether that can be considered good or bad, I'll leave it up to your discretion.)

In any case, since I've been slightly out of the loop, I've got quite some catching up to do.

First thing's first, for those of you who have come from my channel and have been desperately searching for my Merry Christmas Medley music sheet, I've had it up on this site for quite a while.

Here's the link:

Next, with regards to translations......well, this might get a bit sticky but try and bear with it.

As I might have stated previously, I've sort of grown a bit distant from KnW, making it hard for me to muster up the motivation to actually translate/edit any of the chapters. While I doubt that I'd experience the same stagnation now, I thought I'd get some input from the internet (great idea, I know) about my dilemma.

Basically, should I continue to translate KnW? Or should I pick up another series?

If possible, could you take the time to answer the poll below? You're free to answer whatever you'd like, and I'd also appreciate it if you could suggest other series that might interest me.

With regards to Isekai Mahou, the only reason I'm suggesting it is due to the following:

  1. I'm a fan of the series and I want to continue reading it
  2. The current translator appears to be MIA
If there is any news from the current translator with regards to activity of Isekai, then I'd gladly step down and allow them to continue their work.

Also, keep in mind that this poll will just be an indication of what the community wants. I will not necessarily pick what the internet chooses (although I will admit that my decision can be swayed).

XCrossJ Translations: What Series should be translated?

Konjiki no Word Master (The Golden Word Master)
Isekai no Mahou wa Okuruteru (The Other World's Magic is Too Far Behind)
Both (Very Optimistic Answer)
Neither (Very Pessimistic Answer)
Please Specify:
Quiz Maker

And with that, I guess all I can say is......

I'm back. (We'll see how long I stay this way.... -_-)

(Note: Give me some time to reorganize everything before I actually produce any translations.)

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Update: How should I say this? should I say this?

I know that it's a difficult time right now as LoliQ's site has been compromised and she's on the run(?).

I know that you guys were expecting a bulk release to finish off the 3rd Arc of Konjiki no Wordmaster.

I know that we've suddenly got a lot of new recruits coming into the project...

...but...I'm leaving the Konjiki no Wordmaster Translation Project.

I'm sorry, but RL has started to take it's toll on me. For the mean time, I am applying for a Leave of Absence from KnW.

I plan on coming back in about 3-4 months, but for now, I will be saying farewell.

By the way, this doesn't mean I'm abandoning the internet. I'm just taking a break from translations. I'll still be keeping my other projects alive (hopefully). In case you weren't aware of them:

Myriad of Shades:

Cross Gun:

In any case, what does this mean?


  1. I won't be Translating anymore (until I come back)
  2. I may or may not be helping (sometimes) with the editing
  3. I will still be on the internet
  4. After Arc 3, my KnW page will no longer be updated.
  5. Progress Report is no longer being updated

I think that's about it.

It's been fun. I'd like to thank both Yoraikun and NetBlazer for letting me tag along on this project as I'm just a newbie Translator doing whatever he can to produce works that will not shame the author of this series.

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai: Chapter 161 - Arnold and Muir, Duel Participation Confirmed!

Alright. I know I've been inactive recently. I'll explain in an update that I'll post later.

Here's the chapter.

Chapter Stats:


Translator - XCrossJ
Editor - XCrossJ
Proof Reader - Kiriko
Perspective - Third Person
Tense - Past
Format - XCrossJ
Expressions - Jap
Nicknames - Jap

Edit 1 (23/07/2015): Fixed Error (Credit to Commentor: hej)

Chapter 161: Arnold and Muir, Duel Participation Confirmed!

Arnold: 「Shit! Mind telling me how it came to this again?」

Currently, Arnold was desperately dodging the sword slash that Beast Kind Leowald had unleashed. Although he has been barely evading it since earlier, if Leowald were to land a decent blow on him, it would undoubtedly become fatal.

Leowald: 「Hora hora(1), what’s wrong Arnold?! If that’s all you got then I can’t bring you along, you know?!」

Without moving an inch from his spot, Leowald swung down a giant sword, worthy of his stature, as he aimed for the Arnold, the one who was right before his eyes.


Accompanied by a noise that sounded like the air had been cut and torn apart, the pressure generated by the sword came flying towards Arnold, as if it was a blade of wind.

Arnold: 「Uooo-!」

Rarashik: 「If all you do is evade, you won’t be able to defeat the enemy!」

Arnold: 「E-Even if you tell me tha~a~a~t-!」

While Arnold was fending off Leowald’s attacks with full force, he began to resent Rarashik’s remarks internally.

At that time, Rarashik mentioned that she would participate in the duel with the 『Evila』 under the condition that she could bring Arnold and Muir. It went without saying that it wasn’t merely the two who were mentioned that were surprised. Leowald, Mimiru, and even the all the soldiers present had expressed astonishment.

However, in the midst of this, Rarashik simply spoke the following with a grin.

Rarashik: 『How do I say this, I’m fairly certain that you know that these guys are my disciples. This will probably be a good experience for them.』

Of course, Arnold refused. He mainly expressed his distaste due to Muir’s participation. He didn’t really mind if he himself had been elected. As he had fought his way up to this point, he was confident that he had grown stronger thanks to the training that he had received.

Although he would be participating, as the opponent’s side would obviously have the 《Cruel》, his chances of winning would be considerably low. Yet, even so, if it was for the sake of his country, he would not hesitate to fight.

However, Muir was different. She had yet to fight a full-fledged battle besides her encounters with monsters and Rarashik. Furthermore, she had yet to experience a fight where one would have to risk their life.

It was precisely because of this that this duel was important for her, or so Rarashik had said. However, from Arnold’s perspective, it was still too early for her to participate in such battles.

It was needless to say that Arnold was aware that Muir was working hard in order to become stronger. In fact, Arnold thought that Muir had indeed become stronger. Yet, in spite of this, he was still not convinced that he should allow her to participate in such a war.

Muir: 『But, if I go there, then I’ll be able to meet Hiiro-san(3), right?』

In the face of Muir’s words, Rarashik nodded. And then-

Rarashik: 『Don’t you want to show him how strong you’ve become?」

At those words, Muir’s resolve had been determined. Seeing her firm expression, Arnold’s shoulders drooped. He did not expect that things would turn out in such a manner.

However, it was not Leowald, but the one who was near him, Barid, who gave a voice of complaint. The contents of such complaint was regarding doubts about Arnold and Muir’s strength.

Even if they were Rarashik’s disciples, the opponent had requested this confrontation while practically demanding that the Gabranth prepare their best forces. If they were to present half-baked individuals in this duel, the one who would be shamed would be the king himself.

It is precisely because of this that Barid doubted the two’s ability. Rarashik and Leowald had also thought that this was natural.

Therefore, Leowald issued a certain condition. He said that he would consider it if they could cause a scratch on his body, even if the wound was a mere scrape.

Following this, as everyone headed towards the square where the soldiers were training, it was suddenly decided that they would hold a sparring match there. Furthermore, the setup was that it would be both Arnold and Muir against Leowald.

Arnold: 「Muir! I’ll try to somehow block the next blow so you go on the offensive!」

Muir: 「U-Un!」(4)

Although both Muir and Leowald’s offensive power was tremendous, even after they had been fighting for a long time, the fact that he had not moved from his starting position since the beginning of the match was a tribute to the king’s strength. Muir, filled with awe towards such a king, spoke in a voice that attempted to dispel such feelings.

Muir: 「Please take care as well, Oji-san!」(5)

Arnold: 「Aa!」(6)

Watching these two, Leowald happily laughed.

Leowald: 「Hohou(7), you’re going to try something? Then I guess I should bring my strength up a level, huh?」

Saying this, the large sword that he was holding began to release a fine vibration as it gradually reddened, as if it were being tinged with heat.

Leowald: 「Now, how will you respond to this, you two!? 《Flame Fang》-!」

As he swung down the large sword that he had raised high in the sky, this time, as if it was wearing flames, a bright red sword blast came flying towards the two.

Arnold: 「Ku-! It’s coming-!」

Arnold also began to concentrate power into his large sword. As he did so, the wind began to converge onto the sword.


A sound that shook the atmosphere could be heard coming from Arnold’s sword. Following this, he simply turned towards the sword blast and began to assault it.

Arnold: 「Nuoooooooooooo-!」

Arnold received Leowald’s flying sword blast head on.

*Gigigigigigigigigigigi-!* (9)

Almost as if two knives had been rubbed together, the noise of impact roared.

Arnold: 「Nugu……ku-! Uwoo-!」

In order to protect Muir who was behind him, Arnold, who was slightly losing his ground, stood firm so as to ensure that he wasn’t blown away.

Leowald: 「Hou, not bad.」

Witnessing Arnold block a blow that he had place a reasonable amount of force into, Leowald narrowed his eyes due to Arnold’s unexpected power.

Arnold: 「Doon’t……come…………closeeeeeeeeeeer-!」

As Arnold had swung his sword with all his might, he was able to successfully tear through and pulverise the sword blast.

Arnold: 「Now, Mui~~~r-!」

Behind Arnold, Muir was present, her lovely set of Kemono-mimi twitching with a *pikopiko*(10). Every time that those ears moved, the crackling resembling a discharge phenomenon occurred.

Muir: 「Go! 《Fangs of Lightning》-!」

Muir vigorously shook her hands one by one, from bottom to top. As she did so, like how Leowald had launched his sword blasts earlier, a pillar of lightning had been emitted from her hand.

As she had two hands, two columns of thunder had been created. As if to avoid Arnold, the pillars split off to the left and right before rushing towards Leowald, who was in front of him.

Leowald: 「Mu-!?」

As Leowald had instantly understood that Muir was a user of 《Binding》 that possessed the element of lightning, although his thoughts had halted for a split second, his expression soon reverted to normal as he wielded his large sword in an attempt to mow down the incoming thunder pillars.


Although it was thought that he had completely captured the columns of lightning, strangely, as if they had a will of their own, the pillars completely evaded the sword’s attack. Following this, a pincer attack came from both sides and-

*Bachi bachi bachi bachi bachi bachi bachi bachiiiiii-!* (12)

-splendidly landed a direct hit on Leowald.

Leowald: 「Mumu-!」

He involuntarily scowled. Muir, who had saw this, smiled with pleasure as she thought that her attack had hit it’s mark. However-

Leowald: 「Nuo-!」


As Leowald placed all his strength into his entire body, his muscles began to inflate. At the same time, the lightning that had wrapped around his body was blown away.

Leowald: 「Gahaha! I was slightly surprised, but you won’t be able to make a scratch on me with just this?」

Certainly, Leowald had not suffered a single wound due to Muir’s attack. However, Muir-

Muir: 「No, just this much is fine!」

Leowald: 「What?」

It was then that Leowald had noticed Arnold’s imperceptible disappearance.

Leowald: 「Mu? Where did he go?」

As he spoke, he felt a presence in the sky above him. There, the figure of Arnold was present, his large sword being cloaked in wind like what had happened earlier that fight.

Arnold: 「How’s this-!? 《Wind Faaaaaang》-!」

Leowald: 「That lightning was just a distraction! However, I won’t let you!」

Leowald also readied his sword by reflex. As the two swords collided, sparks began to fly. Furthermore, due to the two’s powers colliding, a small explosion occurred.

Arnold: 「Guwaaaaaa-!?」

Having been blown away by the shock wave, Arnold rolled up to where Muir was standing.

Muir: 「Oji-san!」

Muir rushed over in a split second.

Arnold: 「Itete……」(14)

While painfully rubbing his butt that had received a nasty blow, Arnold waited for the smoke before his eyes to dissipate. Following this, a large shadow appeared.

Leowald: 「Fumu(15)……Gahahahaha!」

Leowald was laughing with his large sword slung over his shoulder.

Leowald: 「I guess I slightly underestimated you! You two aren’t bad at all!」

It was then that Arnold and Muir both understood why he was laughing.

Leowald: 「Gahaha! To think, not only did you scratch me, but you launched me all the way over here!」

Indeed. From where he was earlier, it was clear that his position had been displaced further backwards. Furthermore, when Arnold and Leowald’s swords collided, as his attack had become a fine blade of wind, he was able to make a scratch on his body.

Of course, if you were looking at it in terms of damage, it would almost be nil. However, it was true that the fine sword had engraved a number of wounds on Leowald’s body.

Leowald: 「Furthermore, you only used the elementary 《Fangs》. This is……they’ve been honed quite well, Rara.」

While saying this with an elated grin, Leowald shifted his gaze towards Rarashik.

Rarashik: 「Eeh(16), that’s because I showed these guys hell everyday. If they weren’t able to do this, I would have made them start their training from the beginning.」

At these words, the two’s faces grew pale as they felt a chill creeping up their spines. It appeared that their bodies had remembered the contents of their training as they began to tremble.

Leowald: 「Gahaha! Certainly, there are still doubts as to their individual abilities but…I see. We should make sure to properly bring those that shine! That is the the 『Gabranth』 way! Gahahahaha!」

At this, Leowald turned his face towards Barid.

Leowald: 「How’s that, Barid? I felt that these individuals had a good amount of resolve, but?」

Barid: 「…………very well. With this, it would not pose a problem if we were to bring them to the duel.」

Leowald: 「-is what he said. However, there is still one week before the duel. Until then, I myself shall train you.」

Rarashik: 「Hou~. So it’s been decided, yes?」

Towards Rarashik’s question, Leowald nodded vigorously.

Leowald: 「Aa, let’s achieve victory together! Arnold! Muir!」

Seeing him once again fearlessly laugh, Arnold and Muir’s cheeks twitched.

Arnold: 「T-This turned into something unbelievable, huh……」

Muir: 「U-un……but with this, I’ll be able to meet him……right?」

Arnold: 「……seems so.」

Muir: 「……although I don’t like the enemy’s side.」

Arnold: 「That guy doesn’t care about stuff like that, right?」

Muir: 「Ahaha, you might be right.」

Arnold: 「Besides, Leowald-sama also said something about bringing Hiiro over to this side, you know?」

Muir: 「F-For some reason, Hiiro-san has become liked by a really amazing person, huh?」

Arnold: 「Seems so. It was kinda unexpected that he was thinking of making Mimiru-sama’s son-in-law……Hii-!」

As Arnold suddenly saw a Hannya(17) behind Muir, he raised a scream. Although the person herself was smiling, for some reason, it was a smile that reeked of lies.

Muir: 「Ahaha……I’m really looking forward to seeing him. Isn’t that right, Oji-san?」

Arnold: 「Ah……un. That’s right.」

As Arnold felt a bleak sensation emanating from Muir’s voice, he cowered. Although he had an idea about why her attitude had changed, if he was to pursue it, there was no doubt that sparks would fly. Therefore, he had restrained himself from doing so.

Arnold: (Daamn it! Hiiro, you bastard! You better remember this! But, it’s true that I’m looking forward to meeting again. Just you wait, Hiiro! I’ve already decided that I’m going to give your face one good punch!)

He looked up at the cloudless sky. Arnold’s thoughts held a strong resolve towards Hiiro, the one who was once his adventuring companion.


  1. ^ Hora: ‘Hey’.
  2. ^ *Shubaa*: The sound of wind tearing.
  3. ^ -san: A Japanese suffix used to denote distance and respect with the subject. Think of ‘Mr.’ or ‘Miss’.
  4. ^ Un: Not to be confused with ‘Uun’. A Japanese expression which denotes affirmation.
  5. ^ Oji-san: An affectionate way of referring to an elderly person. Sometimes translated as ‘Uncle’.
  6. ^ Aa: A Japanese expression which denotes affirmation. Often used by, but not exclusive to, masculine, dominant people.
  7. ^ Hohou: An expression that denotes intrigue.
  8. ^ *Buuuun*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *buzz*.
  9. ^ *Gigigi*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *creaking*.
  10. ^ *Pikopiko*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *twitch*.
  11. ^ *Suka*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *swoosh*.
  12. ^ *Bachi bachi*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *crackle crackle*
  13. ^ *Bachin*: A Japanese onomatopoeia which means *bzz*. Described as the sound of electricity suddenly being turned off.
  14. ^ Itete: A Japanese expression that is often said when in pain. Think ‘Ouch’ or ‘Owie’.
  15. ^ Fumu: A Japanese expression that denotes affirmation.
  16. ^ Eeh: A Japanese expression that denotes affirmation.
  17. ^ Hannya:

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai: Chapter 144 - The Heroes and Teckil's Meeting

Alright. I'm assuming a lot of you want to know what's happening. It's been a while, and I've only TL'd one chapter.

Basically, I've got my hands full with other projects. In case you weren't aware or are interested, here they are:

Myriad of Shades:

Cross Gun:

I know it's not much of an excuse, but it's the reason why I haven't been as involved with the KnW project as I'd probably like to be.

That said, I'll still try and translate from time to time.

With that out of the way, it appears that you're gonna get another rush of chapters. Have fun with that...

Chapter Stats:


Translator - XCrossJ
Editor - XCrossJ & NetBlazer
Proofreader - Leo
Perspective - Third Person
Tense - Past
Format - XCrossJ
Expressions - Jap
Nicknames - Jap

Edit 1 (23/07/2015): Fixed Errors (Credit to Commentors: Zworden, xabove)

Chapter 144: The Heroes and Teckil’s Meeting

Hiiro: 「Why?」

Eveam: 「At that time, destroying the bridge was our immediate priority. Thus, I was able to make preparations in advance. Moreover, as the enemy didn’t think that I would try to destroy the bridge, they simply stood there, dumbfounded.」

Previously, in order to make the bridge collapse, Eveam used an enormous amount of magic power and a large quantity of blood in order to construct the ultimate magic. However, it appeared to be something that required a lot of preparation before use.

The magic at that time could only be used for the first time due to Eveam and Aquinas’ magic being synchronized. It could be said that they had practiced quite a bit for that purpose.

For the most part, it appeared that they would be capable of synchronizing better than the previous time. Yet, even so, it would still take time and, above all, the current situation was not one where the enemy would silently watch over them as they performed the ritual required for the utilisation of such a magic.

As soon as Eveam appeared, she would be, without question, the first one to be targeted. What’s more, she would be on the receiving end of a focused attack. Although not absolutely certain, one would be unable to cast a spell that requires such intensive concentration. They would definitely be interrupted.

Hiiro: 「Certainly, they aren’t such idiots as to repeat their previous mistakes.」

Eveam: 「Aa(1). Besides, the magic used at that time requires me to construct formulas before hand.」

Hiiro: 「Nn?(2) What do you mean by that?」

Eveam: 「What I’m trying to say is, the day before you want to use the spell, there is a need to assemble the formula and carve it onto the body as a crest.」

In actuality, last time, on her very own belly, the magic formula, aka the so-called magic circle, had been drawn onto it. Moreover, once the magic circle has been drawn, one cannot use any other magic until the large magic has been casted. A large amount of magic is needed to even draw the circle.

The ‘prior preparations’ she was referring to was exactly that. Additionally, that magic circle required a total of three days to draw.

Eveam: 「Furthermore, if I were to use it, I would be rendered useless for a while. That’s because I’d become bedridden. In the current situation, I cannot afford to fall.」

Hiiro: 「…………」

Eveam: 「Moreover, there is a significant distance between us and the bridge. Right now, I am unable to leave the castle for long periods of time. That is something that also holds true for the 《Cruel》 here, but」

Eveam spoke while directing her line of sight towards Aquinas and the others.

Hiiro: 「I see. If there are such circumstances, it seems that you can’t afford to use such magic at a moment’s notice. In addition, if we head to the bridge, it would undoubtedly turn into a fight and might create casualties, huh?」

Eveam: 「Exactly. It goes without saying that there are many advantages to be gained from destroying the bridge. Of course, I genuinely do not wish to destroy it, but now that it’s come to this, we are left with no other choice.」

A sad, fleeting expression surfaced.

Eveam: 「However, due to the present situation, it has proven quite difficult to direct the necessary forces towards destroying the bridge. The enemy must have strengthened their defences in order to prevent the bridge from being broken. If we were to collide with them, it would turn into a battle of considerable magnitude.」

To the opposition, it was their lifeline. In order to not allow this chance to slip by them, they would most likely guard it desperately.

In all honesty, ambushing the incoming enemy was not a difficult task. This was because, if they took the rear posts, as long as the ability difference between them and their enemy was not too overwhelming, they would be able to continue to maintain their defence.

However, this time, it was the reverse. If they were trying to destroy the bridge, the subject of the opposition’s protection, then they would require a considerable amount of military might. Furthermore, a fight would undoubtedly result, bringing about further casualties.

Eveam: 「That’s why, even though I think that Hiiro’s judgement of destroying the bridge is correct, it is difficult to execute such a plan.」

Eveam shook her head side to side in an exhausted manner.

Hiiro: 「Then it’s fine if someone just goes alone, right?」

Eveam: 「………………eh?」

As Hiiro had issued such words in a natural manner, Eveam was caught off guard as her gaping mouth hardened.

Hiiro: 「Why are you spacing out? Were you listening to me?」

As Eveam didn’t return an answer to Hiiro’s words for quite a while, he scowled in displeasure. Eveam, who had suddenly returned to reality upon hearing those words-

Eveam: 「Eh, n-no, Hiiro? A-alone, you say……w-what do you mean by that? ……alone?」

The word ‘alone’ had most likely caught her attention as she had repeated it twice.

Hiiro: 「Aa, you don’t want to lose your war potential. If you say that you don’t want to dilute your defensive forces, wouldn’t it be fine if one were to go alone?」

Eveam: 「………ah, no, un(3), that’s right. It’s as Hiiro says, if we only sent one person, then it would not become an inconvenience. However, I should have also said earlier that the 《Cruel》 cannot move, yes?」

Hiiro: 「Since I’ve heard you say that a little while ago, I’m already aware of that. I didn’t say that we should mobilise these guys, you know?」

Eveam: 「Eh? …………y-you don’t mean?」

Eveam’s eyes blinked rapidly as she looked towards Hiiro.

Hiiro: 「If I go, then there won’t be any problems, right?」

As the atmosphere in that location grew silent, only Liliyn’s sigh could once again be heard.

As something chilly fell onto his cheeks, he suddenly opened his eyes as he realised his sudden predicament. Although he was asleep until now, even though it could not be confirmed whether he was fully awake or not, as he was unable to determine where he was, he wore a blank expression as he surveyed his surroundings.

And as he finally remembered what had happened to him, light dwelled in his eyes as he began to restlessly shift his line of sight about, as if he were looking for something.

Taishi: 「Chika-!」

As Chika was sleeping next to him in a similar manner, Taishi called out Chika’s name. Taishi then placed a hand on her cheek and became relieved as he could still feel warmth emanating from them, even if slightly cold.

Taishi: 「Thank god……Chika.」

Although she had yet to awaken, Taishi felt comfort due to the fact that it appeared that she had not yet passed away. Following this, Taishi once again checked his surroundings.

This place appeared to look like a limestone cave. If one were to look up, one could confirm several groups of rocks that resembled needles. In addition, water was dripping from said sharp rocks.

It appeared that Taishi had been roused from his sleep due to said droplets landing onto his cheek. The falling water had most likely been caused by the moisture in the air condensing due to the cold, or so Taishi had thought.

The reason for this was because the chill within the cave’s interior was quite dominating. For the time being, they had been given blankets, yet, even though they had wrapped their bodies with the blanket, it was still cold.

In this situation, Chika’s safety was Taishi’s salvation. If he was alone in this situation, he might have gone mad.

???: 「You’ve finally woken up, huh su?(4)

At that moment, a voice could be heard coming from within the darkness. As he winced at the sudden voice, Taishi’s body stiffened as he turned around and squinted towards the darkness.

*peta peta*(5) The sound of someone walking could be heard. Following this, a shadow shaped as a person began to surface from the darkness.

???: 「To think that we’d be reunited in a place like this, it’s real surprising, huh Hero-kun(6)? 」

Taishi’s eyes opened wide. Of course, that was to be expected. The reason for this was because the one before him was somebody that Taishi was familiar with.

Taishi: 「……f-from that time……the painter?」

Taishi had remembered. He was certain that he had met this individual at the 【Victorias】 palace, during the time when they attended the Birth Festival of King Rudolf and the first princess Lilith.

Accepting Lilith’s explanation that he was a famous painter of sorts, Taishi had exchanged words with him. If he were to express his thoughts of him, although Taishi thought that he was an unusual individual, as he felt that he possessed the atmosphere of a good person, Taishi remembered that he had a favourable impression of him.

Taishi: 「I-It was……Nazaar, right?.」

Taishi was unable to comprehend why Nazaar was in such a place, nor why he had his hands restrained by handcuffs.

Nazaar: 「Oo~(7), it looks like you remember me su.」

Nazaar’s eyes narrowed happily as they peeked out from his annoying, unkempt hair that covered half of his face.

Taishi: 「W-Why are you…?」

Obviously, Taishi was not aware of why he was here. Moreover, even though he was handcuffed and trapped in here, it was a fact that Nazaar had, like himself, been captured.

Yet, Taishi could feel a eeriness from this entity. Without thinking, Taishi stood up, as if he were trying to protect Chika. Looking at such a Taishi, Nazaar, in a humbled, yet troubled manner-

Nazaar: 「It’s alright su. I don’t really have any intention of doing anything to you guys su」

Taishi: 「……I don’t believe you.」

Nazaar: 「Well, that’s to be expected su. In that case, I won’t move from here so I’d appreciate it if you were to calm down su」

As he expressed his intention of not moving, Nazaar dropped his waist down onto that spot. Although it wasn’t clear as to whether Taishi had believed him or not, while not diverting his gaze, Taishi sat down in a similar manner.

Nazaar: 「First things first, I guess I should perform a self introduction su.」

Taishi: 「Self Introduction? Aren’t you Nazaar?」

Nazaar: 「Nn~ That’s just an alias su」

Taishi: 「Ha? Alias? Eh, why?」

Taishi couldn’t comprehend the meaning behind why the famous painter was claiming that his name was merely an alias.

Taishi: 「Ah, I see. An ‘Art Name’(8) or something like that, right?」

Taishi thought that it was something similar to a Mangaka’s pen name or the net world’s handle name.

Nazaar: 「Nn~ I guess so su…if an artist were to make such a claim, then that would be correct, without a doubt. However, because of this situation, allow me to once again introduce myself with my real name su.」

Taishi: 「O-oo.」

Teckil: 「I’m called Teckil Shizaa su. Even though I look like this, I hold the position of the Cruel’s 《Rank 3》 su.」

Taishi: 「Na-!?」


  1. ^ Aa: An expression of affirmation often used by, but not exclusive to, masculine, dominant people. Think of ‘yeah’ or ‘uh-huh’.
  2. ^ Nn: An expression of intrigue.
  3. ^ Un: Not to be confused with ‘uun’. An expression of affirmation.
  4. ^ Su: Nazaar/Teckil’s speech quirk.
  5. ^ *Peta Peta*: Japanese onomatopoeia meaning *step step*. Sound of footsteps.
  6. ^ -kun: A suffix often attached to male names. Can be used to address people of any hierarchy.
  7. ^ Oo: A lengthened ‘o’ sound, not an ‘oo’ sound. An expression of affirmation.
  8. ^ TL Note: Artist Name is the RAW. This was the best English alt I could think of. I didn’t use pseudonym as that works for several other occupations.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai: Chapter 138 - The Heroes and the Demon Lord, Face-to-Face

Alright. I'm back and I'm better than ever...mostly.

Sorry about my hiatus. Exams and whatever. It's done for now, so I'm back on the project.

Now then. Here's the chapter.

Chapter Stats:


Translator - XCrossJ
Editor - XCrossJ
Proofreader - XCrossJ
Perspective - Third Person
Tense - Past
Format - XCrossJ
Expressions - Jap
Nicknames - Jap

Chapter 138: The Heroes and the Demon Lord, Face-to-Face

The 【Evila Capital: Xaos’】 palace was a large castle that was commensurate with the scale of the country. Although it can be said that the palace is located within the heart of the country, high walls were erected, existing as if to protect the castle.

Below the palaces seemed to be a flowing river. However, if one were to fall in, they would be soon be able to understand it’s nature within a single glance. The river, that appeared to be connected to the sea, was flowing into the country.

Of course, in order to enter said castle, one would be required to pass through its gates. If you were to try and enter the castle from elsewhere, you would be regarded as an intruder, captured, and be met with the fate of being sent to prison.

Although there was a large bridge established for the purpose of crossing the valley, a hefty soldier was standing there acting as a gatekeeper. Even though Hiiro Okamura’s party had crossed over the bridge and were currently entering the castle, they had, as predicted, felt various feelings from the soldiers’ gazes.

That was to be expected. Although Hiiro, who was active in the war, was an exception, there were 『Evila』 that they had clearly not seen before, as well as beings of other races that had dived through the gates. Usually, they would attempt to apprehend such subjects.

In addition, the stares directed towards the human Shuri and Shinobu were particularly hostile, any possible hint of friendliness being undetectable. However, that could not be helped. After all, this time, the humans had betrayed the 『Evila』.

Following this, they had also conspired with the 『Gabranth』 in order to destroy the 『Evila』. As the humans had also assaulted them with complete disregard, they committed such acts believing that they were just.

Although it was undetermined whether or not the soldiers had understood their place or they were issued a strict order by the Demon, it was most likely that both had occurred. If they were to handle this situation poorly, it was highly likely that another conflict would arise. Thus, they could do naught but merely glare as they restrained themselves.

As Shuri and Shinobu had a sufficient understanding of the meaning behind those stares, they held downcast, anxious eyes as they contracted their bodies while walking behind Hiiro.

Due to the guidance of the soldiers, Hiiro and co. were brought to a place called the 《Ruler’s Room》.  There, red carpet was spread out onto the floor, and, further in the back, a chair that looked like a throne existed.

Starting from the throne, a straight road was lined with soldiers on both sides, as if enclosing it. In addition, within close vicinity of said throne, individuals that Hiiro had seen previously were congregated together.

Eveam: 「You did well to make your way here, Hiiro!」

The one who hospitably welcomed Hiiro was the Demon Lord, Eveam. Although under normal circumstances, she would be planting her waist onto the throne with a dignified demeanor, Eveam was currently standing in a similar manner to the others.

Eveam: 「I apologize. Originally, I was planning on heading out, yet, as you can imagine, Marione and the others had objected.」

Marione: 「Of course! Her majesty is the Demon Lord. To have to perform the labor of stepping outside just to show appreciation for a single, mere 『Evila』 is a mistake.」

As Marione spoke thus, Eveam’s mouth distorted into a pout.

Eveam: 「That is inexcusable, Marione. Hiiro is not only my lifesaver, but he is also an individual that displayed a great amount of effort for the sake of this country. To express courtesy towards him is only natural!」

Marione: 「Mu(1)……that may be, but.」

As Marione had witnessed the scene where the seriously injured Eveam was instantly cured, he could no longer express any sort of objection.

Shublarz: 「I heard it from her majesty, you know~, you’re really strong, aren’t you?」

Seeing Shublarz speak seductively while moving her large breasts with a *purun*(2), Liliyn’s cheek twitched.

In a small voice-「What the hell’s with those breasts……did she stuff something in them? No, it’s most likely that those aren’t real. If that’s not the case, then I……」 - Lilliyn had muttered thus.

Hiiro: 「Stuff like that is irrelevant.」

This was Hiiro’s ‘slogan’. Obviously, everyone froze as their eyes spread wide open.

Hiiro: 「You’ve prepared a meal already, yes? Then hurry up and let me eat. I’m hungry.」

It was his indifferent, ‘my pace’ attitude. As expected, even Marione possessed a blank expression on his face. However, only Eveam and Aquinas had faintly loosened their cheeks.

This was the proof that they had been able to slightly grasp Hiiro’s personality, even though they had been exposed to it for a short period of time.

Eveam: 「Aa(3), that’s right. Preparations will be finished in a little while longer. However, before then, would it be alright if you were to introduce me to your comrades, Hiiro?」

Hiiro: 「I don’t really care, but two of them are not my comrades, you know?」

Eveam: 「……Nn?(4) Eh? Not comrades? What does that……」

As Eveam returned such a question while tilting her neck to the side, Shuri and Shinobu stood before Hiiro and fell onto their knees.

Shuri: 「It is an honor to meet you in this way, Demon Lord, your majesty. 」

Even though Shuri issued such words, she was clearly trembling. Her voice was also shrill and imbued with nervousness. One could grasp that she was tense to quite a large extent.

And as they saw the two girls slowly raise their face, tension ran rampant through not only Eveam, but each and every single one of the 《Cruel》.

Marione: 「W-Wha-!? Y-You bastards are heroes!?」

At Marione’s cry, the soldiers simultaneously surrounded Hiiro and the others.

Hiiro: (As I thought, it’s come to then)

Hiiro was wondering what would now occur- no, he had already assumed the position of idly observing how the two girls would survive this.

Marione: 「What’s the meaning of this, Red Robe! Why are the heroes here! Depending on the circumstances……」

As Marione’s thirst for blood smashed into Hiiro, Nikki stood in front of Hiiro as if to protect him while a distraught Mikazuki grasped onto Hiiro’s clothes.

Nikki: 「Depending on the circumstances, what will happen? If you are saying that you will injure Shishou, I will not forgive you desu zo!(5)

A furious Nikki face Marione with hostility.

Marione: 「What’s with this little brat……」

Shuri: 「Please wait-!」

At that point, Shuri raised a resolute shout.

Shuri: 「Please……please listen to my story, Demon Lord, your majesty.」

Marione: 「How can you so shamelessly……」

Eveam: 「Marione, please quiet down for a bit.」

Marione: 「B-But, your majesty, these people are heroes!」

Eveam: 「It’s fine, this is an order.」

Eveam silenced Marione with a single glance. Following this, she spoke while looking down upon Shuri.

Eveam: 「I believe in Hiiro. They were brought here by that Hiiro. I wonder if there is a reason.」

Although Eveam looked towards Hiiro, he simply had his arms folded and his eyes closed. It was a gesture that expressed that Hiiro had no intention of answering. After glancing at Hiiro, Eveam once again returned her gaze towards Shuri.

Eveam: 「You, you said that there was a story?」

Shuri: 「Yes.」

Eveam: 「Talk.」

Shuri: 「Thank you……very……much……」

However, Shinobu, who was also on her knees, had noticed that Shuri’s physical condition was poor. In addition to the wounds that she had received previously not having been fully cured yet, Shuri was currently being assaulted by a wave of murderous intent from the surroundings while in such a tense-filled scenario, a scenario where their lives could be lost at anytime.

It would not be strange if one were to be both physically and mentally exhausted. Furthermore, originally, Shuri did not possess such a personality that allowed her to easily expose herself to such a situation. It was understandable that the mental load place on her was considerably strenuous.

As Shinobu thought thus, she placed her hand on Shuri’s shoulder.

Shuri: 「Shinobu……-san?(6)

Shinobu: 「I’ll take care of the rest. Please rest for a bit.」

Shuri: 「B-But……」

Shinobu: 「I’ve also made my resolve, you know?」

Shuri: 「……」

Shinobu: 「So……please?」

Shuri: 「…………I understand. Please take care of the rest.」

And following in Shuri’s footsteps, Shinobu began to speak.


  1. ^ Mu: An expression of annoyance/frustration/irritation.
  2. ^ *Purun*: Japanese onomatopoeia meaning *boing* (Or something along those lines…)
  3. ^ Aa: An expression of affirmation often used by, but not exclusive to, masculine, dominant people. Think of ‘yeah’ or ‘uh-huh’.
  4. ^ Nn: An expression of intrigue.
  5. ^ Desu zo: Nikki’s speech quirk.
  6. ^ -san: A suffix used to denote distance/formality with the subject. Think ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’.

I'm back...

Ok. Small status update.

I've finished with my exams and am now returning back to the project.

I know I said I'd be back by the 18th but some other things came up and so my return was delayed.

I've finished TLing chapter 138 and am going to edit, proofread, and post the chapter later today/tonight.

I'll also be returning to the editing stage. I've already edited/proofread 2 chapters and they'll probably come out as soon as Kiriko decides to post them.

All said and done, I'm back and I'm (hopefully) better than ever.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai - Chapter 134: The Irritated Protagonist

The last part of my bulk release. Now, time to study for exams...

Also, I've started a new blog with some of the team:

It hasn't got much on it as it's a work in progress still. However, if you have time, maybe check it out?

Alright. Self advert over. Enjoy the chap.

Chapter Stats:


Translator - XCrossJ
Editor - XCrossJ
Proofreader - XCrossJ
Perspective - Third Person
Tense - Past
Format - XCrossJ
Expressions - Jap
Nicknames - Jap

Edit 1(15/6/2015): Fixed Error (Credit to Commentor: Zworden)

Chapter 134: The Irritated Protagonist

Shinobu: 「S-Shuri-cchi!?(1)

Shinobu involuntarily rushed towards the bed and stared at her face. As her complexion had somewhat improved compared to earlier, Shinobu felt relieved as she exhaled.

Shinobu: 「I was worried, you know……Shuri-cchi」

Shuri: 「I’m sorry……Shinobu-san(2)

As she did so, Shuri attempted to lift her upper body as her face distorted in agony.

Shinobu: 「Ah, I told you that you have to rest!」

Shuri: 「No, I’m……fine.」

Shinobu: 「Shuri-cchi……」

Following this, as Shuri roused her upper body while ignoring Shinobu’s words of restraint, she looked at Hiiro who was observing them with folded arms.

Shuri: 「You really are……Okamura-kun(3)……am I right?」

Hiiro: 「……fuu, will you understand if I do this?」

Then, using the spell 「Origin」『å…ƒ』, he reverted into the human Okamura Hiiro. Of course, it went without saying that the two were startled. Yet, as they understood that this was definitely the Hiiro that they knew, the two of them were somewhat convinced.

Shinobu: 「How do I say this, Okamura-cchi looks better this way.」

Hiiro: 「This is the Demon World. In order to avoid annoying disputes, isn’t it obvious that taking the appearance of an 『Evila』 is better?」

As she looked at Hiiro, who spoke thus in an unfriendly manner, Shuri slightly smiled.

Shuri: 「Fufu, you’re definitely Okamura-kun. Do you perhaps remember, Okamura-kun?」

Hiiro: 「Ah?」

Shuri: 「Although you said that you had no memory of ever talking to us when we were in Japan, you actually talked to me during the entrance ceremony, even if only once.」

Of course, Hiiro didn’t remember any of that. Rather, Hiiro had thought that she was spouting bull shit. Although Shuri held slightly melancholic, downcast eyes, she began to move her mouth in an attempt to explain herself.

Shuri: 「Okamura-kun, after the entrance ceremony, you went straight to the library, right?」

Come to think of it, I did go there. As Hiiro thought thus, he nodded in his mind.

Shuri: 「At that time, I had also gone there. As I also enjoy reading books, I was so excited about what kind of books they would have there that I accidentally tripped over my feet.」

Hiiro: 「So you’re saying that we met then?」

It seemed that he did not remember.

Shuri: 「Yes. As I was about to enter the library, you contrarily came out. At that time, as I had just knocked your shoulder, the book that you were holding fell to the floor.」

Hiiro: 「……ah」

Hiiro gradually remembered that something like that had certainly occurred.

Shuri: 「Have you remembered? Although it was a conversation that couldn’t be called one, when I picked up the book, I spoke the following. 『Do you like books?』At that time, do you remember what kind of answer you gave me?」

Hiiro: 「……no idea.」

Hiiro did not remember in precise detail. As she was capable of remembering such things, Hiiro expressed admiration towards Shuri.

Shuri: 「You told me this. 『It’s my reason for living.』」

Suddenly, silence assaulted the room as everyone’s eyes began to focus towards Hiiro. Perhaps due to slight embarrassment, Hiiro turned his eyes towards the sky.

Hiiro: 「Did I really say such a thing? Isn’t that just some bull shit?」

Shuri: 「No. Although we had only conversed to that extent, it was so simple yet complex that it left a great impression on me.」

She answered as she wore a delicate smile. 「As expected of Shishou(4) desu zo! Yo, Reincarnation of Intellectual Lust(5)!」As Nikki had spoke while getting carried away, Hiiro’s fist decided to pay them a visit. Mikazuki, who had witnessed the spectacle, began to make fun of Nikki who had been scolded.

Hiiro: 「Haa, so? For what reason did you bring up such a story? You couldn’t possibly be trying to elicit sympathy from me with that, right?」

Shuri: 「No, I simply just wanted to try and have a talk with Okamura-kun. I mean, ever since we came here, you immediately got separated from us.」

Shinobu: 「Is that so……to think that Shuri-cchi and Okamura-cchi had such an encounter.」

Hiiro: 「Our encounter has nothing to do with this, right? At the moment, the problem is with you guys. To me, as long as you guys get out of here by night time, then that’s fine with me.」

Shuri: 「…………that’s right. If we impose any more than this, we’ll be causing trouble for Okamura-kun after all.」

Shinobu: 「W-wait! You alright with that, Shuri-cchi!? There’s no way that your condition has gotten better, right? Not to mention, even after we walk out of here, it wouldn’t be strange for us to get assaulted at any time, you know?」

Shuri: 「But we still have to look for Chika and Taishi as well.」

Shinobu: 「Y-Yeah, but……」

Certainly, they were worried about the whereabouts of the two that had been blown away. However, they were currently in, what some might call, the heart of enemy territory. Furthermore, as they were heroes, on top of being 『Humas』, it was unthinkable that they would be able to easily escape from the country under the current circumstances.

Shinobu: 「Also, Shuri-cchi. If what Hiiro says is true, then wouldn’t that mean we no longer have a place to stay in the human world?」

Shuri: 「T-that’s……」

The two depressingly hung their heads. Indeed, the King had used the heroes as disposable pawns. If they were to perhaps return to him unharmed, they would simply be treated as puppets once again. The two were not so foolish as to still possess the desire to fight under the command of such a King.

Hiiro: 「I don’t really care, but one of the Demon Lord’s envoys are coming here soon to call me.」

???: 「Eh-!?」

The two’s faces paled respectively. That was to be expected. After all, they had come this far with the intention of slaying the Demon Lord. Such a Demon Lord would undoubtedly show them no mercy. The idea of them thinking that they would be killed if found was only natural.

Nikki: 「Mumu?(6) Why would Shishou be called for?」

Nikki asked as they tilted their head to the side.

Mikazuki: 「Nikki is such a baka!(7) Isn’t it obvious that it’s because Goshujin(8) is so cool mon!(9)

Mikazuki followed it with thus.

Nikki: 「Muu~(10) what do you mean by baka!? Also, I’m the one who knows the most about how cool Shishou is desu zo!(11)

Mikazuki: 「You’re wrong mon! The one who knows best is Mikazuki da mon!」

Nikki: 「It’s me desu zo!」

Mikazuki: 「Mikazuki da mon!」

*Poka-!* *Poka-!*(12)

Nikki: 「Nowa-!?(13)

Mikazuki: 「Myu-!?(13)

Hiiro: 「You guys go outside for a bit. You’re annoying.」

As they saw Hiiro’s cheeks twitch due to anger, the two rubbed their heads as they dejectedly left the room.

As Shuri had seen the three’s exchange, she-

Shuri: 「You get along well, don’t you?」

Hiiro: 「Have your eyes gone rotten? Those guys are my subordinates.」

Shinobu: 「Subordinates, you say……you’ve really made your way up in this world, huh……Okamura-cchi」

Hiiro: 「That’s just because, unlike you guys, I haven’t been playing around.」

As they were told such, they could not object. Although they wanted to believe that they were not playing around either, it was also a fact that the difference between their level of experience compared to Hiiro’s was so overwhelming that one might call it embarrassing.

Hiiro: 「By the way, hurry up and decide what you’re gonna do. Just to give you a warning, I won’t be lending you a hand.」

Shinobu: 「B-But why?」

Hiiro: 「Because we’re unrelated parties.」

As she was told thus frankly, Shinobu hardened.

Shuri: 「We were just together at that time……we are unrelated.」

Hiiro: 「That’s right. You guys and I have no relationship whatsoever. We just share the commonality of being summoned together.」

Shinobu: 「Because we’re strangers……because we’re unrelated, are you saying that you don’t care what happens to us?」

Her tone had become slightly infused with anger.

Hiiro: 「Aa(14), that’s right.」

Shinobu: 「No way!」

Hiiro: 「Even you guys didn’t bother to wonder about how I was living in this world all by myself, right?」

Shinobu: 「T-that’s……」

Hiiro: 「The thoughts that I felt when I killed a monster that resembled a person. The fact that I had almost died while fighting a Unique Monster. Even the fact that I had used these hands to wound people, you guys didn’t know anything about it, right?」

Shinobu: 「B-But isn’t it only natural that we didn’t know about it!?」

Hiiro: 「Aa, of course it’s natural. After all, we’re unrelated.」

Shinobu: 「But that’s……」

Hiiro: 「Then are you saying that you would rush to my side over such long distances just for my sake? While you guys were sleeping and eating in the castle without a care in the world, if you had know that I was surrounded by monsters in the Demon World, are you saying that you would have rushed to my side at full speed?」

Shinobu: 「…………」

Hiiro: 「That doesn’t seem to be the case, huh. If you guys possessed such benevolent thoughts, then when I said that I would live in this world by myself, you guys would have tried to stop me by using any means necessary.」

Shinobu: 「…………」

Hiiro: 「Ultimately, you guys haven’t been thinking about anyone else but yourselves. Even when you were told to participate in the war, you guys didn’t bother to investigate whether or not the 『Evila』 were really such an existence that had to be exterminated, right? That’s because you guys didn’t think about anything else but yourselves. Have you looked around this city or the Demon World? Have you ever been to the village of the 『Orchid Race』? Even though those guys over there have had their friends destroyed by the Humas, they have been enduring for all this time while believing that, as long as they have patience, the war will soon come to an end, you know? What about the 『Shukaara Race』? Did you know that they have a history of saving humans, and that they pray as they believe that, one day, humans can fall in love with 『Evila』? Furthermore…」

Shinobu: 「Please, enough already-!」

Hiiro: 「…………」

As Shinobu covered both of her ears, her attitude conveyed that she did not want to hear anymore.

Hiiro: 「Even so, you guys were thoughtlessly going to exterminate the 『Evila』? It’s comical, you guys’ short-sightedness. Look at your surroundings. The world is not so simple, you know. A variety of people hold various thoughts as they live their various lives. I don’t know what kind of justice you guys held as you fought your way here, but, in my opinion, you guys who don’t see anything are the evil ones.」

Hiiro simply opened the window and went outside. The two that had been left behind hung their heads, as if their time had stopped.

Next time, as I had said before, Hiiro will make a serious decision.
If you were to think ‘Heh~ so it’s come this’ then that would be fortunate ww


  1. ^ -cchi: A suffix used to denote familiarity with the subject. It also infers that the speaker has a playful, childish personality. A quirk often given to characters with Kansai-ben. A variant of chan/kun and can be used with either gender.
  2. ^ -san: A suffix used to denote distance/formality with the subject.
  3. ^ -kun: A suffix used to denote familiarity with the subject. Often added to boy’s names but not always the case.
  4. ^ Shishou: Mentor.
  5. ^ TL Note: This literally translates to ‘Thirst for Knowledge Incarnate’. I felt that it didn’t flow well, thus, I used ‘Reincarnation of Intellectual Lust’.
  6. ^ Mumu: An expression of annoyance/frustration.
  7. ^ Baka: Idiot.
  8. ^ Goshujin: Master, Lord, or Owner.
  9. ^ Mon/ Da mon: Mikazuki’s speech quirk.
  10. ^ Muu: An expression of frustration/irritation.
  11. ^ Desu zo: Nikki’s speech quirk.
  12. ^ *Poka*: Japanese onomatopoeia meaning *bonk*. Sound of light impact.
  13. ^ Nowa/Myu: Groans of pain.
  14. ^ Aa: An expression of affirmation often used by, but not exclusive to, masculine, dominant people. Think ‘yeah’ or ‘uh-huh’.

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai - Chapter 133: The Preaching Hiiro

Alright. I'm doing a chapter gap and bulk post because of RL obligations.

Ah, thanks to Leo for proofreading this one.

Now then. Chapter thoughts.

I reserved this and 134 because Hiiro finally gets to give them a good talking to. Nothing more, nothing less.

Chapter Stats:


Translator - XCrossJ
Editor - XCrossJ
Proofreader - Leo
Perspective - Third Person
Tense - Past
Format - XCrossJ
Expressions - Jap
Nicknames - Jap

Chapter 133: The Preaching Hiiro

Hiiro: 「……Oi, what’s the meaning of this?」

Currently, Hiiro had just returned to the inn where he was staying at. Eveam had told him that because the 『Gabranth』 had unanimously retreated back to their country, they would be capable of somehow dealing with the rest by themselves. As Eveam had asked Hiiro to wait because she would contact him upon the completion of the process, Hiiro had returned. Yet……

For some reason, in his very own room, there were two strangers that Hiiro had neither conversed with nor looked directly at before. One of them was currently occupying the bed he slept in. The other was currently treating the wounds sustained by their body with healing magic.

Even though he could not see them well, Hiiro knew them. The two strangers were two of the four heroes. Although he couldn’t remember their names, Hiiro was not mistaken. Why were these two here? Also, what happened to the other two? He began to make an inquiry towards the one that had created this situation.

Hiiro: 「Give me an explanation, Baka-Deshi(1).」

He grabbed Nikki by the neck in a manner similar to lifting up a cat.

Nikki: 「Uu~(2) Please forgive me desu zoo~(3). I forgot to mention it desu zoo~」

The one who was floating in midair dejectedly was Nikki. As she saw that, Mikazuki merrily laughed. 「Ba~ka Ba~ka, you got scolded~」(4). Although Hiiro heard Mikazuki say this almost as if cursing Nikki, he simply ignored it for now.

From what Nikki said, at the time when Hiiro returned from the conference location, Nikki felt that they had something important that they had to communicate to Hiiro. Yet, due to an exchange with Mikazuki, Nikki appeared to have completely forgotten about it.

As he received Nikki’s explanation as to how this situation had come about, Hiiro involuntarily began to hold his temples.

Hiiro: 「I see. That would mean that as they were caught up by the tornado user’s attack, the other two were sent flying, huh?」

Shinobu: 「A-ano(5), Okamura-cchi?」

Hiiro: 「Shut up for a bit.」

Shinobu: 「Ah……un(6).」

As Hiiro flatly cut off Akamori Shinobu who was trying to enter the conversation between him and Nikki, Shinobu, who had seen and understood that Hiiro was in a foul mood, remained silent.

Hiiro: 「What happened to Aka-Loli?(7)

Nikki: 「Ah, about that. As she said she was going to go and pick up the Hentai(8) group, she went away somewhere desu zo!」

Hiiro: 「……haa, this is really a pain.」

Although it seemed like she was going to pick up her companions that haven’t come back yet, it was no different than just running away because she didn’t want to deal with babysitting Nikki and Mikazuki.

As he scratched his head while expressing grief, Hiiro sent his gaze towards the one sleeping in his bed, Minamoto Shuri. Following this, he spat out a light sigh before directing his face towards Shinobu. She returned his gaze with uneasy eyes.

Hiiro: 「As it can’t be helped now I’ll lend you the bed. Just get out once it becomes night, alright?」

As he coldly shot out those words, Hiiro turned on his heels and tried to leave the room, yet, Shinobu hastily raised her voice.

Shinobu: 「Ah, w-wait a sec!」

Hiiro: 「Ah?」

Shinobu: 「Eh……ah, you know……you really are Okamura-cchi(9)……right?」

Hiiro: 「What of it?」

As Hiiro was currently taking the form of an 『Imp』, her confusion was not unreasonable. However, from what Shinobu could tell, his voice, physique, and even his attitude clearly belonged to Okamura Hiiro himself.

Shinobu: 「I’m so sorry-!」

Hiiro: 「…………」

Hiiro expressionlessly stared at Shinobu who had suddenly lowered her head with great momentum in apology.

Shinobu: 「I know that you have no obligation to listen to my request! But besides Okamura-cchi, I don’t have anyone else I can rely on!」

Hiiro: 「…………」

Shinobu: 「Since there’s so many 『Evilas』 around here, we can’t carelessly leave here……that’s why……」

Hiiro: 「Please shelter us for a while……is basically what you’re getting at, right?」

As Shinobu’s shoulders trembled, she gently raised her face.

Shinobu: 「……can’t you……do it?」

After staring at her eyes for a while, Hiiro let out a sigh.

Hiiro: 「Look here, you guys are the enemy that came to attack this place, you know? In addition, although it’s due to a request, I’m currently placed in a position where I have to protect this country. What kind of nerve do you have to be able to ask such a thing?」

Hiiro was truly amazed. It seemed that she did not understand her current position at all.

Hiiro: 「You guys are heroes, right? You are the saviors summoned by the 『Humas』 in order to destroy the 『Evila』. Yet, you guys are asking ‘since we can’t fight anymore, can we please live here until our wounds heal?’. You really have quite some nerve.」

As she could not say anything in the face of Hiiro’s bitter words, Shinobu bit her lower lip.

Hiiro: 「In the first place, didn’t you guys think something was strange? For example, the reason why a group of carefree, game brains like you were sent to the battlefield」

Shinobu: 「……eh?」

Apparently, they were still unaware.

Hiiro: 「……haa, you guys are merely discarded pawns.」

Shinobu: 「S-such a thing can’t be true!」

Hiiro: 「Nope, I confirmed it directly with the King.」

Shinobu: 「Heh? You say directly but how……」

Although Hiiro was in this country, Shinobu did not know when he had confirmed it as she wore a blank look.

Hiiro: 「That stupid king, he didn’t deny it you know? I mean, when I told him that you guys were discarded pawns.」

Shinobu: 「……i-it can’t be……」

Hiiro: 「Actually, how were you guys able to put your trust in such a king? A king that sacrifices his own daughters can’t possibly be a just king.」

Shinobu: 「……-!?」

Impact ran through Hiiro’s words. It was as if Shinobu had been beaten over the head with a hammer.

Hiiro: 「In addition, there’s no magic that will send us back in this world.」

Shinobu: 「……he? There isn’t?」

Hiiro: 「That’s right.」

Shinobu: 「T-there’s no way! I mean, the King even said that the Demon Lord knows it!」

Hiiro: 「Did you really believe that? Stop and think about it. Why would the Demon Lord know of it? Suppose that they did know it, why would the 『Humas』 who know summoning magic not know it?」

Shinobu: 「T-that’s……」

Hiiro: 「Besides, have you guys read any of the literature and books of this world?」

Shinobu: 「Books……?」

Hiiro: 「Although it’s written that the summoned heroes certainly saved the 『Humas』, no matter which book you read, none of them say that the heroes returned to their original world.」

As if she had received an incredible shock, Shinobu did not blink as she was rendered petrified. Following this, her face gradually grew pale.

Hiiro: 「You guys, ever since we came here over half a year ago, what exactly have you guys been doing?」

Shinobu: 「……」

Hiiro: 「At any rate, you probably completed missions as instructed by the King, faced off against great opponents, and enjoyed every single day in the castle, am I wrong?」

As Shinobu recalled the past, due to the fact that it was exactly as Hiiro had indicated, Shinobu swallowed. Upon seeing such behaviour, Hiiro simply shook his head in disgust.

Hiiro: 「As I thought. As long as you walked on the rail laid out before you at the instructed pace, you thought that you would win the war? Aren’t you guys severely underestimating this world?」

Shinobu: 「Ah……」

Hiiro: 「Have you guys ever tried to leave on an adventure by yourself even if it was just once? Have you nearly been killed by a monster? Have you cut down a person with your very own hands? Have you killed?」

Shinobu: 「Uu……」

Hiiro: 「There’s absolutely no way that a dog tenderly raised in a comfortable environment would come out unscathed after being thrown out onto the battlefield of feral beasts and rabid dogs.」

As Shinobu had been unable to stand any longer, her knees buckled.

Hiiro: 「The king was most likely aware, you know. The fact that you were a useless bunch that was incapable of killing people. That’s why he turned you into disposable pawns in this war. In the event that you guys were to die in this war, the King would use that as a reason to fuel the people’s anger and spark further war. Something along those lines.」

Shinobu: 「Lies……」

Hiiro: 「The heroes fought with all their might. However, the 『Evila』 used cowardly methods to deceive and kill them. Can we allow such a thing? To dispel the regrets of those deceased heroes, everyone shall take their revenge for them……saying something like that, he would have handled your deaths as the detonator.」

Shinobu: 「……that can’t be……if that’s the case, all that we’ve been doing up until now……」

As if she were expressing disbelief, Shinobu held both hands to her cheeks and made an expression filled with despair.

Hiiro: 「Well, although your misfortune was mainly caused due to the fact that no one around you had been aware of this, it’s normally something that one would notice, you know. That country’s dubiousness, I mean. That’s why I left.」

Shinobu: 「N-No way! If that’s so, at that time, wouldn’t it have been fine if you had told us!」

Hiiro: 「Don’t be so fucking naive.」

Shinobu: 「Uu……」

As she was assaulted by a gaze infused with killing intent, Shinobu was overwhelmed.

Hiiro: 「It’s something that anyone would understand if they thought about it a little. Anyway, you guys were in high spirits, right? This is a game-like world and we’re heroes. There’s nothing to be afraid of……or something to that effect.」

Shinobu: 「Ah……」

Hiiro: 「That’s why you guys didn’t notice anything strange as you enthusiastically thought that things would somehow work out. Without properly looking at any of the uncertainties, you followed the words of a stranger as you lived your daily lives. This is the consequence you received due to living in such a dangerous world without a single care.」

Shinobu: 「Uu……」

Hiiro: 「This world is not as accommodating as games. Although you may be heroes, this world is not so easy as to let you become saviours without doing anything. The current situation is the result that your naivety has invited.」

Shinobu: 「T-that might be true, but……」

Rather than being unable to accept the situation, Hiiro saw that Shinobu did not want to accept it.

Hiiro: 「……when that foolish king spoke of return magic, I was certain that you two, unlike the other stupid duo, held slight doubt on your faces. However, it appears that I was simply mistaken.」

As Hiiro continued to talk, he continued to recall the events that occurred when he was summoned.

Alt: Following this, during the time King Rudolf spoke of return magic- no, even up until the point where he spoke of others returning to their own world, he had arranged his sophistry infused words, his speech implying that those worlds did not exist. During this time, Hiiro remembered that, at the very least, Shinobu and Shuri’s themselves wore expressions that seemed to hold doubt towards those words.

Shinobu: 「T-that’s……」

As Hiiro saw Shinobu hang her head, wearing a downcast expression that indicated it was hard for her to speak, he was utterly convinced.

Hiiro: 「At any rate, you probably held these thoughts, right? ‘Although I’m not sure if it’s a lie or not, since there’s magic that brought us to this world, there must be magic that can send us back home’.」

Shinobu: 「……-!?」

Hiiro: 「In addition, after obtaining the title of heroes and being placed in this fantasy world, you guys were so ecstatic that you simply disregarded such critical doubt. ‘It will somehow work out. We have four friends on our side. As long as we look out for each other, we’ll someday return to our original world’……or something like that.」

In the face of Hiiro’s words, Shinobu’s mouth stiffened. The fact that sweat gradually began to flow from her forehead demonstrated that Hiiro’s words had completely hit the nail on the head.

Hiiro: 「Although there was no conclusive evidence whatsoever to support such thoughts, you guys merely suppressed such considerable doubts. Should I just say it bluntly? It’s not an exaggeration to say that this situation was brought about by the both of you, the one sleeping in the bed included.」

Shinobu: 「T-that’s……」

Hiiro: 「Even if the slightest doubt floated into your mind, if you discussed it with the other two, then you would have been able to hold doubt towards the king’s actions. The two of you who didn’t do so have brought about this result due to your naive situational decision making. Your foolishness is so deep that it’s astonishing.」

The reason why Shinobu said nothing in response to Hiiro’s words was because she understood that what Hiiro was saying was right. Certainly, if she had voiced her doubts at that time, she might have been able to create an opportunity for the four of them to have a discussion.

At the very least, there was the possibility of being pulled out from the stupidity of not realising anything up until this very moment. However, she - no, as Shuri was also included, they, as Hiiro had indicated, were elated by the bright future before them, forgetting any of the small discrepancies that may have appeared.

Without knowing that those doubts would influence their own fate, they simply avoided it. The fact that this situation was their fault was completely irrefutable.

Silence followed soon after. As Nikki and Mikazuki who were nearby realised that the current atmosphere did not warrant any unnecessary banter, they remained silent.

Shuri: 「……we were horribly mistaken……weren’t we」

In the midst of that atmosphere, the one who had raised their voice was the one who was thought to have been asleep, Shuri.


  1. ^ Baka-Deshi: Baka (Idiot) Deshi (Disciple). Hiiro’s nickname for Nikki.
  2. ^ Uu: An utterance that resembles a groan.
  3. ^ Desu zo: Nikki’s speach quirk.
  4. ^ Baka: Idiot
  5. ^ Ano: Japanese equivalent of ‘Um’.
  6. ^ Un: Not to be confused with ‘Uun’. Un is an expression of affirmation.
  7. ^ Aka-Loli: Aka (Red) Loli (Lolita). Hiiro’s nickname for Liliyn.
  8. ^ Hentai: Japanese term for pervert or perverted material. It’s Liliyn’s nickname for Silva, thus, it would be ‘pervert’.
    • Leo: Yay Henta-- I mean…stuff
    • XJ: Right…not suspicious at all, Leo. Not suspicious at all…
  9. ^ -cchi: A suffix used to denote familiarity with the subject. It also infers that the speaker has a playful, childish personality. A quirk often given to characters with Kansai-ben. A variant of chan/kun and can be used with either gender.
  10. TL Note: It’s been so long since my notes section has been so short.