
Sunday 20 March 2016

Update: In response to haters?

Alright. It's been a while (about 2-3 weeks?) since my last post. Sorry, but RL just loves to mess with me (as expected).

I've done about half of the translation for Isekai Chapter 28 and I'll probably end up doing a bit more later this week. If push comes to shove, I'll be posting the chapter in parts to make things a bit easier on me (although I really don't want to do that).

Anyway, Isekai aside, I'm here with regards to my previous update post (Near Disaster), as well as some concerns brought to me by my TL friend Anri (

First things first, Anri has to deal with a lot of hate comments directed towards Kiriko and myself. Of course, while she has the good mind to censor these comments, I don't see why she has to suffer because of the community or her "senpais" (as she, for some reason, decides to see us as). While I'll tackle the hate comments later, I'd like to ask the community not to bother Anri with issues that honestly don't concern her. Not only will it cause her distress, but you might end up turning her away from translating.

TL:DR, any issues you have, come out and post them here, rather than flooding someone else's traffic. (If you haven't noticed, I barely censor comments over here.)

Oh, and Kiriko says that you can comment on her blog too.

Note: From here on, it's basically me ranting. You can choose to read or not read but this is just me laying things out as I understand them.

Alright, next. I don't know the contents of these hate comments (cause Anri wouldn't show them to me), but they were basically around the topic about how I was using the "near disaster" post to back out of translating KnW.

I'm not going to bother refuting that. After all, in a sense, it is the truth.

I mean, I come out with a late post, I don't explain anything, and I suddenly back out on a promise that I made to the community.

I understand the frustration. Although I'm not sure if the slander brought to my name can really be justified, I can empathize.

So, I'll take the opportunity to give an ambiguous explanation that will (hopefully) give a clearer depiction of what has occurred.

About 3 weeks ago, Kiriko and I woke up to the horror that several files in our translation folder have been shared with the public. Of course, while simple translation documents were obviously included, contact information and other confidential information had also found its way to the "open internet".

While I won't name names, Kiriko and I quickly took everything "classified" off of the net before investigating into who was responsible and challenging them about what happened. Needless to say, their response was....less than promising.

Therefore, in the face of such a disaster, I deemed that it was no longer safe for me to continue working with the KnW team and, shortly after the incident, I made a post that didn't really explain anything.

And if you guys think I'm over-reacting, please send me your email, your credit card details, and other personal information and I'll show you just how scary the internet can be (I obviously won't be following through with such a stupid idea).

Anyway, in light of these circumstances, even if people call me a "liar", a "coward", or a "fucking TL", I, personally, decided that my security and safety is more important than sacrificing myself for people that I might actually never meet ever.

TL:DR, yes. I'm a coward and a (potential) liar and I fully own that. However, I am, contrary to belief, a human being that, FYI, am not getting paid to translate, nor getting paid to risk my security.

With that said, I'm going to finish up by saying that, despite all of this supposed bashing (which I fully understand but don't feel that I deserve), I will try my best to continue translating. even if it's not KnW.

Quick Answers to Pre-emptive Questions:

Did anything bad happen? - Not on a catastrophic level.
Has the issue been resolved? - Sort of, but not completely. That's why I left.
Will you go back to KnW? - I may in the future. Right now, no.
Do you know who was responsible? - Yes.
Is Anri involved? - Not directly so please don't involve her more than she already has been.
Was Anri affected by this disaster? - You're better off asking her.
Were the other members affected by the disaster? - Probably, but I don't think they've noticed.
Do I care about the hate comments? - As much as I pretend not to, I do feel some negative emotions.
Is there any feasible way for me to continue KnW? - Probably. I'm just preoccupied with other things to not be able to set such a method up at the moment.


  1. Hey i understand fully how security the internet can be scary and i personally fully support you if you with whatever you decide on the translation side of thing since after all you are investing your own free time and giving me (and others) some story that i could not read otherwise
    i always appreciate your work and want to tank you for all the good work you did xD

    1. Thanks for the sentiment. Hopefully, I can just drop this issue so that translations and other more important matters can come back to the forefront.

  2. welp, i dont know what to say i guess. Everywhere have those kind of people and thats all.
    why dont Anri try to block all comments? if she hated translating one day then that will be a loss to the society yet people never realize it and are too forceful on their desire.
    try to chher up Xcross, Anri and Kiriko okay?

    1. Well, I'm not sure what Anri's take on the censorship of comments is but I think simply shunning everything away is not exactly a great approach (ironic considering that's what I'm going with the current KnW team excluding Anri).

      With that said, I just kind of want to put that whole incident behind me. I'm fairly sure Kiriko and Anri are trying to do the same.

  3. That was really disastrous. I hope you managed to suppress those leaks before it got out of hand and some questionable character managed to scamp off with your personal data.

    It was worse than I thought.

    1. Yeah. I was shocked as well.
      To be honest, I didn't really want to bring up such a terrifying topic, thus the reason why I didn't say much about it.

      However, because someone else got dragged into it, I decided that it would be better to speak up rather than not at all.

      As for the damage control, Kiriko and I luckily had some measures in place to prevent the worst possible scenario. With that said, the responsible party's lackluster response (if it can even be called that) made me very cautious about continuing the project under such conditions.

    2. Basically,your fullz are leaked right?that a big disaster,not near anymore,that's what I think

    3. Well, call it what you will.
      I tried to play it down a little bit but, regardless of the label, what happened was, I think you'll agree, quite bad. -_-

  4. hey , don't lose spirit ...
    Hope you come back sometime to say hello or something :D

    1. I'll try my best. With luck, you'll be hearing from me by the end of next week.

  5. Chapter 28? and who will do 27?

    1. Well, I was under the impression that Sora was working on 27. However, if it's not done after I finish 28, I'll get to work on that chapter.

    2. Sora is still working on 26. He seems to have split the chapter into 6 parts, and is currently 2/6 done.

    3. Apparently, it seems that 27 and previous have been done:

  6. Wow no wonder you left KNW. I'm really glad that you are for the most part OK. I fully support your decision even if I can't get to read your translations. I really appreciate yours and all of the translators work. Real life loves screwing you over. I hope in the future real life just says "fudge it he's been through enough" and RL will be more kind to you.

    1. I feel like RL is an even harsher S than I am...

  7. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. Having someone betray trust on top of all the terrifying implications of having your personal information made public would scare off anyone. I completely agree that being disappointed in someone dropping a project is understandable, but slander (especially on someone else's site making them see and moderate it) is completely unacceptable. Everyone that reads KnW is appreciative of the effort that you and all the other translators put in to this lengthy, but enjoyable series. Take care of yourself, and work on what you want to work on. This is a hobby, your work is volunteered and you are beholden to no one.

  8. ---Rant (Mild swearing involved)---
    I don't get why people feel the need to hate on people over things that other people did (usually for a reason) because the other people didn't tell them EVERYTHING about it. What good do they think they are doing by being rude. Why do they think they deserve to know everything about why someone decides to do something else when they don't do jack shit to help ANYONE involved, rather they discourage the people that do stuff from continuing to do good things for everyone involved. sure you decided to back out of KnW (which now has several translators) almost immediately and go for Isekai Mahou (which only had ONE translator) which (at least in my opinion) is also good (but FAR slower, chapter 26 is only about 2/6th complete after february). this is getting too long so I'm going to stop for now
    ---End of Rant---
    TL:DR, why does it seem like there are so many idiots around KnW right now and don't respect anyone's opinions if they differ from theirs?

    1. Well, many people inherently think that they're in the right and others are in the wrong. Perhaps it's an aspect of Protagonist Disease ( Or maybe something else?
      Regardless, it would seem that KnW really attracts the demographic who want to say something, but don't realize the effects that they have on the so-called "translator system" as a whole.

  9. Well, this question is out of place here but wondered if you're going to continue working on "Myriad of Shades"? I liked your story despite you being "Asshole" there :D

    1. Short answer, yes. I will be continuing to work on it as best I can.

  10. first of all, thank you for all the tl's you have done till now. And about people bashing on you, well, it's easy to complain when you don't have to lift a finger.
    About the Isekai Mahou tl's, how will you work things with sora, since his/her release schelude is quite random, and sometimes even take months for a single chapter. won't it become some sorte of problem if the chapters start just pilling up?
    And gratz for the explanations, altough nedless :3

    1. Well, about that. I'm not really sure how to go about contacting Sora.
      For the time being, Kiriko and I are just translating what we can (an entire chapter away from Sora) just to see whether or not we can cope with it. From there, we'll see how things develop.
      With that said, I think Skythewood's appearance on the scene might add an extra layer of complications to the project.

  11. Screw the haters sorry you had such security scare good luck in the future and thanks for your work!

  12. Screw the haters sorry you had such security scare good luck in the future and thanks for your work!
